13 FrobuaryTR 2025
Legend of Zork
Artworks for the web game
Return to Zork (Sega version)
Japanese version for SEGA Saturn.
Zork (Japanese consoles)
Japanese Console covers.
Zork (Magazines scans)
Various scans from old magazines, advert., etc…
Zork (Packages on C64)
Handdrawn sketches on C64 covers.
Zork I (PSX version)
Japanese version for Playstation.
Zork I Module for NWN2
Pics from Amraphael's NWN2 module
Zork Nemesis (Artworks)
Mauro Borrelli's artworks.
Zork Quest I & II
Infocomics packages for Zork Quest.
Zork Trilogy (Package)
The collection's package.
Zork User Group Poster
Pics from the Zork I poster