Here you are a collection of links related to the world of Zork. If you know about a site that you want to be added at this list, just E-Mail us the url at:
Brass Lantern
A little more on adventure than interactive fiction.
Chronology of Quendor
Exhaustive timeline of the Zork series of games.
Personal website with many references to Zork
Enciclopedia Frobozzica V1.0
Web Version 1.0 of the second edition of the Encyclopedia Frobozzica by Nino Ruffini, revised from the bound version included in Return to Zork.
Enciclopedia Frobozzica V2.0
Web Version 2.0, the "Abridged 10723" edition of the Encyclopedia, with many updates by Ominous Bells including events from Nemesis and Zork Grand Inquisitor.
Frobozz Magic Hosting Company
Some subsidiaries still exist! Lol!!
GUE Network
A tribute page that hosts even a mirror of the old New Zork Hotel.
GUE Tech
The GUE-Tech server page.
History of Zork @
Six pages full of history about Zork
Infocom Documentation Project
The main resource for scans of Infocom documentation
Legends of Zork
Official site of the new Zork MMO game
Legends of Zork artist
The artist's page
Legends of Zork: Blog
The game's official blog
Malinche Entertainment
Designers of the adventure games Greystone and Pentari: First Light.
Personal website with many references to Zork
Return to Zork (again)
Petition asking Activision to continue making Zork games.
The Big Zork Page
An under-construction site on Zork made by an old friend.
The GUE's Elite
A Yahoo-Group dedicated to Zork
The Zork Experience
History of the Zork games, screenshots, maps, walkthroughs for all games, and parody box covers.
The Zork Library
One of the oldest site dedicated to Zork.
Ur_Grue's Lair
Tribute to the Zork text adventures.
THE magazine for interactive fiction enthusiasts.
Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe
The best place where to buy Infocom games
Zork I as a module for NWN2
Blog of the author of the upcoming module for NWN2