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This page will enlist all the official Zork games that have been released.
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (First Release: 1987)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, 128, Plus 4, Amiga, Atari 400/800/ST, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Macintosh, Kapyro II, TRS-80, NEC PC-9801, CP/M.
Type: Text Adventure
The Zork Trilogy is set in the ruins of an ancient empire lying far underground. You, a dauntless treasure-hunter, are venturing into this dangerous land in search of wealth and adventure. Many strange tales have been told of the fabulous treasure, exotic creatures, and diabolical puzzles in the Great Underground Empire.
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz (First Release: 1981)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, 128, Plus 4, Amiga, Atari 400/800/ST, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Macintosh, Kapyro II, TRS-80, NEC PC-9801, CP/M, MSX.
Type: Text Adventure
In Zork II, you will explore a long hidden region of the Empire, a region dominated by the Wizard of Frobozz. The Wizard was once a respected Enchanter, but when his powers began to fade he was exiled by Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive. Now bordering on senility, the Wizard is still a force to be reckoned with. Your goal, as you venture into the Wizard's realm, is to avoid his capricious tricks and learn to control his magic.
Zork III: The Dungeon Master (First Release: 1982)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, 128, Plus 4, Amiga, Atari 400/800/ST, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Macintosh, Kapyro II, TRS-80, NEC PC-9801, CP/M, MSX.
Type: Text Adventure
As Zork III begins, your greatest challenge beckons as you take the final step down into the very heart of the Great Underground Empire. Your character and courage will be tested as the enigmatic Dungeon Master confronts you with predicaments and perils. Your quest hinges upon discovering his secret purpose, even as he oversees your ultimate triumph ... or destruction!
Enchanter (Originally intended as Zork IV, first chapter of Enchanter Trilogy) (First Release: 1983)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, Amiga, Atari 400/800/ST.
Type: Text Adventure
You have been identified as the Apprentice Enchanter who must save the land from the Warlock. As a fledgling Enchanter, you have learned your lessons but have not faced all your tests. You possess great power, but in the ranks of necromancers you are a lowly and ignorant person indeed. You have been well trained in the basics of magic, and you will be greatly aided by the spells you know and the spells you will learn. But you must also rely on your powers of observation and quick wits.
Sorcerer (Second chapter of Enchanter Trilogy) (First Release: 1984)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, Amiga, Atari 400/800/ST.
Type: Text Adventure
Several years have passed, and you have grown very close to Belboz as you studied under his tutelage, learning the ways of magic from one of the world's most learned practitioners. But lately, Belboz has seemed troubled, preoccupied, withdrawn ... small things only a friend would notice. You have even heard frightening noises coming from his chamber, and the cold shivers down your back. Could some evil spirit be at work here? You are sleepless from worry - Belboz is possibly the most powerful Enchanter in the kingdom. If his powers were used by the forces of darkness instead of the forces of light, who knows what would result? And now, unbeknownst to you, Belboz has vanished.
Spellbreaker (Third chapter of Enchanter Trilogy) (First Release: 1985)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, Amiga, Atari 400/800/ST.
Type: Text Adventure
You distinguished yourself among the young Enchanters by defeating the evil warlock Krill, whose attempt to subjugate the land was thwarted by your cleverness, as your inexperience allowed you to succeed where others might have failed. This earned you a place on the Circle of Enchanters, second only to the great Belboz the Necromancer. Then Belboz himself was nearly destroyed, and your rescue of him from the evil demon Jeearr earned you the ultimate honour given a mage, the leadership of the Circle of Enchanters. Now, a crisis has befallen the kingdom. Magic itself seems to be failing. Spells fail to work or go strangely awry, the populace is confused and restive, and even the Enchanters Guild is baffled. A great conclave of the Guildmasters is ordained, and it is at this conclave that the final conflict between good and evil begins to unfold.
Wishbringer (Loosely connected to the Zork series) (First Release: 1985)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, Amiga, Atari 400/800/ST.
Type: Text Adventure
In Wishbringer, you're a postal clerk in a small seaside village called Festeron. You deliver a strange envelope to a magic shop, and discover that an old woman's black cat has been kidnapped by "the Evil One." The old woman asks for your help, and when you leave the magic shop, you find yourself trapped in a nightmare world. Your once-quit town is now full of goons, trolls, vultures, fortress-like towers, and assorted wickedness. You become entangled in the struggle between Good and Evil; extraordinary help is found only in unusual places. Everyone seeks to possess a magic stone of dreams known as Wishbringer; but only you can find it and use its powers to make your town safe again. And you only have a few hours!
Lurking Horror (Loosely connected to the Zork series) (First Release: 1987)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, Amiga, Atari 400/800/ST.
Type: Text Adventure
In The Lurking Horror, you are a student at G.U.E. Tech. You have braved a snowstorm to get to the Computer Center and finish work on an assignment. But the snowstorm has turned into a raging blizzard, and has trapped you in a complex of buildings late at night. You are not alone, fortunely ... or perhaps, unfortunately. Thus you begin the story, unaware that anything may be wrong beneath or within the veneer of the quiet campus.
Mini Zork (First Release: 1987)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore C64, Amiga.
Type: Text Adventure
Beyond Zork (First Release: 1987)
Available on: MS-DOS, Commodore 128, Amiga, Apple II, IIGS, Macintosh.
Type: Text Adventure with Graphics and Rpg elements.
The player explores the Southlands of Quendor somewhat aimlessly at first. Soon, however, a task is bestowed by the Implementors, a group of godlike creatures jokingly based on Infocom's game designers. The Coconut of Quendor, an incredibly powerful artifact that embodies the whole of Magic, has fallen into the claws of an unspeakably foul beast: an Ur-grue. Rumoured to be the spirits of fallen Implementors, Ur-Grues can surround themselves in a sphere of darkness that only sunlight can pierce. The player must recover the Coconut from this monster's grasp or face the unthinkable consequences.
Zork Zero (First Release: 1988)
Available on: MS-DOS, Amiga, Apple II, Macintosh.
Type: Text Adventure with Graphics
More than 90 years have passed since the great wizard Megaboz cast the Curse which destroyed Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive along with the other members of the ruling family, the Twelve Flatheads. Now, the curse threatens to bring down the Great Undergound Empire itself! Wurb Flathead, the current occupant of the throne, has sent a clarion call to the remotest corners of the Empire: half the riches of the kingdom to the person who can allay the curse. From every province of Quendor, courageous adventurers, scheming charlatans, and wildeyed crackpots have streamed into the Imperial Capital of Flatheadia. You are one such treasure-seeker, a peasant from an unheard-of village in an obscure province. However, you have an important advantage: an ancestor of yours, a servant in Dimwit's court, witnessed Megaboz casting the Curse, and obtained a small scrap of wizardly parchment from the mage's pocket. This parchment scrap has been passed down from generation to generation, and is now in your possession. Thanks to it, you know what none of the other would-be cursebusters know; you alone know what must be done to stop the Curse! By the time of your arrival at Flatheadia, most of the treasure-seekers have given up and returned to their homelands. In fact, you discover that most of the population, including all figures of authority, have fled to distant provinces. And when you awake on the hard floor of the castle on Curse Day, you find that even the looters and the most persistent adventurers have departed. In fact, as you begin your desperate quest to find the relics of the Empire you need to stop the Curse, your only company is the court jester, who spins rhymes for your amusement. Always appearing when you least expect him, the jester will confront you with riddles and games, spring some deadly tricks, and give you helpful nudges in the right direction. And throughout, he seems to be laughing at some tremendous joke which you can't begin to fathom... Zork Zero is the prequel to the Zork Trilogy, one of the most popular, best-loved computer games ever written. Zork Zero takes you back to the age of the Flatheads, where you can glimpse the Great Underground Empire during its heyday, and witness its monumental fall.
Return to Zork (First Release: 1994)
Available on: MS-DOS, Macintosh, PC-FX, Playstation I, Saturn, 3DO (not sure if it have been released).
Type: Graphical Adventure
The player's character is a sweepstakes winner who wins an all expenses paid holiday to the Valley of the Sparrows, in Zork. Upon arrival, however, the player quickly learns that the entire area has fallen under some dark and sinister influence, becoming decayed and dysfunctional. Whole buildings have mysteriously vanished, murderous vultures infest the land, people have frequent and disturbing nightmares featuring some dark being which refers to itself as Morpheus, and many of those who have survived have become reclusive and paranoid. The player must survive countless perils whilst exploring the valley, investigating the causes of the powers that have gripped the land and ultimately putting a stop to them.
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (First Release: 1996)
Available on: Playstation I, Saturn.
Type: Graphical Adventure/ Sound Novel
Zork Nemesis (First Release: 1996)
Available on: Windows, Macintosh.
Type: Graphical Adventure
In the game, the player takes on the role of a nameless adventurer, charged by Vice Regent Syovar the Strong to enter the Forbidden Lands to investigate the disappearance of four prominent citizens: Madame Sophia Hamilton, Bishop Francois Malveaux, Doctor Erasmus Sartorius, and General Thaddeus Kaine. Additionally, the player is to investigate the rumor of a curse put on the Forbidden Lands by a being known only as "Nemesis," which has already claimed as a victim the player's predecessor, Agent Karlok Bivotar.
Zork: The Undiscovered Underground (First Release: 1997)
Available on: Z-Machine.
Type: Text Adventure.
Zork Grand Inquisitor (First chapter of an intended Magic Wars Trilogy) (First Release: 1997)
Available on: Windows, Macintosh.
Type: Graphical Adventure
The player, known by the acronym AFGNCAAP, joins forces with the Dungeon Master Dalboz (voiced by Michael McKean), who was imprisoned in a lantern by the Grand Inquisitor, Yanick. They attempt to find three legendary objects that will restore all magic to the realm and bring about the fall of the Inquisitor. The three artifacts are: one of the Cubes of Foundation, the Coconut of Quendor and the Skull of Yoruk.
Explorer (Never released)
Planned to be available on: Intellivision.
Type: Graphical Adventure
This game was inspired by the text adventure game Zork. It didn't get too far; about the only record of it is in a December 10, 1981 status report written by Gabriel Baum, VP of Applications Software, after reviewing development at APh: "A new game closely paralleling Dungeons & Dragons. A man in a large cave searches for treasure, is attacked by beasts and defends himself or proceeds within the game using objects he collects. Currently only some graphics are defined.". The game apparently was discontinued because it was too similar to the two Dungeons & Dragons cartridges already in development.