Zork and Retrogames forum area.

27 Jelly 2024

  4 FrobuaryTR 2008 - Zork I remake for Neverwinter Nights 2 proceeds…

I'm very happy to read on the author's blog (http://nwn2-zork.blogspot.com/) that his work on the Zork I module for Neverwinter Nights 2 is proceeding well.
Here are some screens from his work in progress:

   2009 -  Estuary
   2008 -  Oracle
   2008 -  Arch
   2008 -  FrobuaryTR
   2007 -  Jam
   2006 -  FrobuaryTR
   2006 -  Estuary
   2004 -  FrobuaryTR
   2003 -  Jelly
   2003 -  Mage
   2002 -  Dismembur
   2000 -  Suspendur
   1999 -  Mumberbur
  15 FrobuaryTR - …and for FM Towns also!
  12 FrobuaryTR - Seems that Return to Zork was planned for Jaguar too!
  11 FrobuaryTR - Official Zork games list updated!
  5 FrobuaryTR - Added some new comics
  4 FrobuaryTR - Zork I remake for Neverwinter Nights 2 proceeds…